The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month is when we remember those who died in the first and second world war, and all wars since. It marked the end of hostilities in 1918. Even though, at least officially, Sweden was neutral and did not participate in the two world wars it is still a moment for reflection over the horrors of war and all of it’s consequences.
As if in honour of this day the clouds were thick, the light grey, and a light drizzle hung in the air all day. It is not my favourite time of the year and it takes an effort to fight of the melancholy. One way is to try to capture the mood with some pictures. Took these without leaving the warm comfort of our apartment from our balcony and from our bedroom window.
Dusk descends around 4 pm this time of year. Anna and Mathilda and I took a walk around the neighborhood and along the river at around that time. Nice to get out of the apartment. No rain and not so much wind.Quite pleasant actually.