Two weeks ago we lost our Roxy and 14 years of having at least one dog in the family came to an end. Roxy reached the admirable age of 10 years, 8 months and one day. Not that bad for a Bernese Mountain Dog, a breed that unfortunately is prone to decease and have an average life expectancy of between 7 and 8 years. Still, that’s not much consolation when the time comes. It is still devastating. When I am ready to I will post a tribute to Roxy on this blog.

This weekend was our first weekend at the summer house on Orust for 2018, and our first weekend here without a dog for many, many years. Both Diesel and Roxy loved it here. There are so many reminders of them everywhere.
Still, it was good to be out here again. The weather varied with temperatures around freezing but lots of lovely sunshine on Saturday. Rain, a few degrees warmer (less cold?) and a howling wind on Sunday.
Took a walk down to Nabbarna where we swim in the summer to try out my new drone for some arial shots from the water and onto the rock we lay in the sun on sweet summer days. Today the sun was low over the southern horizon even in the middle of the day. It makes for a wonderful light, perfect for taking some snaps with the camera.